Trogoldyte Korrolax Gulthias Tree Red Hand of Doom Old Man Xorvintaal The Cephalos Hamster Heart of Gulthias Sigil The Cathezar


Dragon Battle

The Gods are Dead

A Millenium has passed since their fall. Perhaps a harsher world now, those who once relied on the divine powers have long ago passed on or learned to live without.

The noblest of creatures, the dragons, have filled the vacuum the Gods left. While some poor fools still worship the Gods' wheezing corpses, those who want true power have turned to worshipping noble draconis.

Will you cling to the robes of dead Gods, be eternally loyal to your majestic draconic overlords, or forge your own path in a world where the balance of power is teetering on the edge of dissolution. Only you can choose, in Dungeons and Dragons: Xorvintaal!